Articles — peluche

Coccole Artigianali: i cuscini peluche che conquistano il cuore

Coccole Artigianali: i cuscini peluche che conquistano il cuore

Coccole Artigianali: I Cuscini peluche che conquistano il cuore, stile fatto a mano! Scopri i cuscini peluche artigianali che portano calore al tuo cuore. Unicità e comfort si fondono in uno stile fatto a mano irresistibile! Cuscini Peluche Artigianali - Coccole handmade che trasformano il tuo spazio in un abbraccio costante. Coccole Artigianali: Esplora il Calore dei Nostri Cuscini Peluche Unici! Unicità che conquista: Ogni cuscino è realizzato a mano, garantendo un design esclusivo. Dimentica i cuscini noiosi e impersonali, i nostri portano con sé una storia e un tocco personale. Materiali di qualità: Utilizziamo solo materiali premium e certificati...

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Perché è importante far dormire i bambini con il loro peluche? - La stanza nel bosco

Why is it important for children to sleep with their cuddly toy?

The relationship between a child and his soft toy is very precious for his correct development, as it gives him a greater feeling of security . In fact , during childhood , little ones perceive toys not only as an excellent means of falling asleep more easily , but above all they see a playmate capable of listening and comforting them . They are puppets that allow them to better manage their emotions and, when necessary, to support them in learning in order to make them independent in the right stages. The soft toy is seen by the child as...

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Perché e come scegliere l’oggetto transizionale: amato dal bambino, gradito agli adulti - La stanza nel bosco

Why and how to choose the transitional object: loved by the child, appreciated by the adults

Reconciling the needs of children and adults is not always an easy task. Especially for objects that play an important and/or lasting role for the child: bedroom furniture, clothes, toys, books and, of course, the transitional object. Almost everything purchased for the child is subject to the taste, or at least the approval, of the parents; but as far as the transitional object is concerned, the only and essential "last word" belongs to the child. However, the attentive parent can propose appropriate alternatives, to facilitate the selection and final choice for the child.

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